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Smart DEX Aggregator

Unifying liquidity across DEX protocols to provide one-stop access to DeFi trading


Who we are

Panora is a one-stop trading hub, aggregating all trading platforms on Aptos. Panora's DeFi suite unlocks the full potential of decentralized finance through an integrated protocol network, ensuring efficient transactions via smart systems. Dive into the world of Panora for a comprehensive trading experience!!

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Panora Swap

Meta-DEX Aggregator

The superior swapping experience

panora swap snap

Panora's Meta-DEX Aggregator unifies liquidity and provides access to the best routes and rates from all AMM DEXs, Orderbook DEXs, and Aggregators via one single user-friendly front-end. Experience top-notch UI/UX, extensive token coverage, and optimized transaction routing for a seamless trading experience.

Panora's Order Book offers a CEX-like trading experience directly on-chain. Place Limit or Market Orders and enjoy the convenience of the Central Limit Order Book (CLOB) UI/UX, coupled with Econia's on-chain settlement engine, for trading your favorite tokens.

Panora Trade

On-Chain Orderbook

The ultimate CEX replacement

panora trade snap

Features that will help you trade better and faster

Elevate your trading game with accelerated tools for enhanced speed and precision

Deepest Liquidity

Unifies liquidity across all AMM DEXs, Orderbook DEXs, and Aggregators

Smart Order Routing

Intelligently performs Multi-Hop and Trade Splitting to provide superior returns

User friendly UI/UX

Easy to follow widgets make trading simpler for every user

Real-Time Insights

Embedded Charts for a quick analysis of your favorite tokens

Robust SDK and API

Gain more control over your trades and build on top of Panora


Ready to explore Panora further? Check out this list of partners and integrations of Panora

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